Our mission – to improve the usability and accessibility of geoscience data and deliver it when and where it’s needed.

Our extensive global field operations and management experience means we routinely deliver high-quality results within a compressed timescale, so that you can focus on extracting maximum value from your data.

our expertise

What we do

Over 300 years of combined experience in seismic data gives us the insight and skills to solve any challenges, across all data vintages, media and formats. We catalogue, audit and consolidate data, of course - but our Transcription+ service QCs your data, ensuring it all matches up seamlessly on brand new media or in the cloud.

Let’s get a deeper picture of your data

Talk to us about an audit

They delivered the project objectives

“The NZTC selection committee was impressed with Moveout’s innovative proposal to revitalise legacy seismic data, reducing the requirement for seismic acquisition, and benefitting transition energy projects. They delivered the project objectives of creating a robust time-saving methodology to improve user confidence in the preparation of legacy seismic data for modern applications.”

Focused work, communication and swift actions

“Thanks very much for assisting us in this project – Moveout’s focused work, communication and swift actions have been highly appreciated here.”

A bespoke application

“Moveout established what we needed and created a bespoke application for our project, quickly This meant they could produce a dataset in raw field format which enabled our client to fulfil its data reporting obligations.”

Managed to resolve every problem

“Working with UHR data from around the world it is clear that there are no consistent standards for data and navigation recording. This can require time consuming preparation work before processing can even begin. Rather than do that ourselves, we outsource to the experts! Moveout has so far managed to resolve every problem we have thrown at them in an efficient and timely manner to meet our tight deadlines.”

Knowledge and skills

“Moveout plays an important role in the North Sea, Transition Authority’s National Data Repository service. We’re taking that very opportunity to condition legacy datasets as we migrate SEG-D from the tape archive to Nav Merged SEG-Y, hosted securely in the cloud, online, accessible and reusable. Moveout’s technology, deep subject knowledge and skills are the enablers.”

It saved considerable time and expense

“There is no doubt that asking Moveout to remaster old surveys was a wise choice – it saved considerable time and expense and provided us with data we could use to make key exploration decisions.”

The Difference That Makes The Difference

Metaseis™ – our bespoke platform

From forensically identifying problems with vintage data formats to analysing large volumes of processed data, its dynamic and customisable features enable us to respond to unique data challenges and evolving data standards as they arise.

Bringing value

Existing legacy seismic data can be remastered to save millions over the costs of new surveys.

Our remastering processes deliver high quality, process-ready data right where and when you need it.

Moveout’s data projects result in significantly reduced media volumes and storage costs, with one example survey shrinking from 900 tapes down to just one.

Moveout’s unique Metaseis system provides the flexibility to address any problem, for a high quality solution in very short timescales.

Existing legacy seismic data can be remastered to save millions over the costs of new surveys.

Our remastering processes deliver high quality, process-ready data right where and when you need it.

Moveout’s data projects result in significantly reduced media volumes and storage costs, with one example survey shrinking from 900 tapes down to just one.

Moveout’s unique Metaseis system provides the flexibility to address any problem, for a high quality solution in very short timescales.

talk to us about an audit

Let’s get a deeper picture of your data

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Geoscience data